Quality Management for concrete program ProcalNET
ProcalNET is the program that manages the checking of the quality of the concrete by means of the management of probes breaks selected in the control lots for the different types of concrete. The introduction screen for probe codes is created automatically when it is detected a delivery note created in the application GestecNET with quality control.
The management of breaks is established by means of the manager of break days who presents to the operator the possibility of completing information for those that already have expired.
The program ProcalNET saves and manages the information of break value of the probes, relating them to the delivery notes of the clients besides other information of production (manual dosings, times of load, consumption errors), as well as dates of variation or creation of the recipes of concrete.
With the information of incidents of concrete returned and its recovery, we have a complete and detailed information that will allow us to know better the development of the manufacture of the product.
The program allows the possibility of visualizing and printing, graphs of probes results corresponding to one or more days of break